Who we are

Natura &Co is a global purpose-driven, group uniting Natura and Avon. We connect more than 200 million clients worldwide, engaging them through nearly 7 million dedicated Consultants and Representatives, 900 stores and franchises, and 22,000 employees.
We believe in promoting real positive economic, social, and environmental impact. We believe that the world does not need another big company. The world needs symbols of change capable of blazing new trails and inspiring others to follow. We believe in the power of cooperation, co-creation, and collaboration for a better way of living and doing business.
We are Natura &Co.
Natura &Co
in numbers
Chart without scale
¹ Excludes effects that are not considered to be recurring or comparable between periods analyzed.
² The underlying net income is calculated before the effects of the acquisition of Avon and does not take into account transformation costs, discontinued operations expenses, PPA amortization effect and non-controlling interests.
We are a connected network of
brands and over 6 million people, with
phenomenal potential to drive change.