"It’s time to care"

Natura &Co’s measures to contain COVID-19 were coordinated by a cross-company working group. We donated millions of essential products (such as bar soaps and hand sanitizers); we offered flexible payment terms and created support funds for our consultants and representatives; and we guaranteed our employees’ jobs during the peak of the crisis. To respond to the surge in domestic violence witnessed across the world during the pandemic, we launched the global #IsolatedNotAlone campaign, under Avon’s leadership, who made an extra donation of US$1 million to NGOs in 37 countries.
At the beginning of 2020, humankind was shocked by the declaration of a global health pandemic caused by a contagious disease, COVID-19. Faced with this disruption, Natura &Co, living up to our purpose and beliefs, defined a response based on three key priorities: care for our people, care for our communities, care for our company.
We quickly established a global task force and appointed specific teams across all businesses, to find the best ways to engage with all our stakeholders. Soon after, we rolled out a comprehensive initiative called “Time to Care”, aimed at prioritizing our people first and foremost, providing support for one another and giving back where we could. We have embraced social distancing and have learnt how to remain active and connected.
Putting our people first, our senior leaders made a pledge to donate 20% of their salaries during the critical early and most uncertain months of the crisis. In this, they were immediately followed by other levels within the organization – by the end of the year, the company was in a position to return this incredible contribution to everyone. We provided job security for all our employees during the most acute period of the crisis. Remote working for administrative roles has been encouraged whenever possible. Our store personnel have been offered flexible hours or have been redeployed into other roles, such as supporting our online channels. Those who have been continuing to work in production and distribution follow strict hygiene and social distancing protocols. We offered credit flexibility to our network of consultants and representatives, with payment terms and additional emergency funds. Employees, franchisees, consultants and representatives also had access to telemedicine, mental health resources and grief support, and have been encouraged to maintain connections with their colleagues, friends and family.As a consequence of the isolation measures, we also saw an increase in the vulnerability of women and children already at risk of domestic violence. Therefore, we joined organizations that deliver frontline services to domestic violence survivors and help women at risk. Our campaign #IsolatedNotAlone raises awareness of the issue. Through the Avon Foundation we donated US$ 1 million to support more than 40 NGOs across the world.
We focused on what was essential during the pandemic and refocused operations across brands to increase production of soaps and hand sanitizers by over 30%. In Latins America, we took advantage of Avon’s under-utilized manufacturing capacity to donate 4.8 million units of bar soaps and other personal care products, 260 tons of hand sanitizer and 315 thousand litres of liquid alcohol to governments, NGOs, hospitals and frontline workers.
The crisis is not over yet. However, we are hopeful, confident and humbled by the magnitude of what has been demanded of us and what still lies ahead. We are closely monitoring the evolution of the pandemic worldwide, particularly lockdowns and restrictions adopted within our markets. For a group guided by a belief in the interdependence of all living things, this crisis has taught us valuable lessons and underscored the fundamental truth that it is always time to care.
Examples of Actions:
Avon International: R$4.2 million (equivalent to US$ 0.8 million) in products and R$5.2 million (or US$ 1 million) donated to frontline domestic abuse services through Avon Foundation (#IsolatedNotAlone).
Natura: R$60 million in essential products to NGOs, communities, consultants, Red Cross and health organizations.
The Body Shop: R$32 million (or £4.5 million) donated, including the #IsolatedNotAlone campaign and products to nurses, doctors and support staff working in emergency hospitals.
Aesop: R$13 million (or A$ 3.2 million) in products donated in Australia plus an additional A$ 1.5 million through the Aesop Foundation 2020 Support Fund.